Compilation64 relies on contributions to ensure the archive is as complete as possible. If you have a compilation scan or information about a compilation and would like to contribute, or want to help in other ways, please read carefully below.
Contributing Scans
Compilation64 always requires scans. There are gaps in our archive that need filling, especially compilation cover scans. If you have any of the compilations for which we do not have cover scans and have the ability to scan please do so. We accept scans in any image format. Do not worry about resizing scans or worry about file size. Just send us your original “raw” scan in as high a quality as possible and we will do all the work to display it on the site. You will of course be credited.
Additionally, we are on the look out for associated material to do with C64 compilations, including adverts, manuals, tape/disk scans, etc. If you would like to contribute such material, again scan in any format in as high a quality as possible and send them.
Also, we are looking to improve the quality of our scans. Due to the age of some of the source material, scans may show signs of fading, rips and tears or bends. If you can provide a higher quality scan, please do so.
To send scans, click here...
Contributing Information
There are gaps in our archive regarding specific information. For example, the year of release or storage format of a compilation may not be known. If you can fill these gaps, let us know.
To send information, click here...
Other Ways of Contributing
On each individual compilation page in the archive, there is a comment form. Use this to add/correct information, or share your thoughts about the compilation and/or the games in it. Also, use this form to leave your own short review if you like.
You could also let as many people as possible know about the Compilation64 website - spread the URL of our home page. The more people that visit, the more chance we have to add to or amend our archive, or find rare or missing compilations / games.
If you have your own site, why not grab the Compilation64 banner below (large or small) and display it with a link to Compilation64. Let us know and we will return the favour.
Legal Statement
To read about our use of the information and scans submitted to us, visit our 'legal' page here...