Thanks to all those who have contributed; your names have been added to the 'credits' page.
Existing archived compilations that have been updated with new info/scans include:
4 Most Fun - better front cover, media
4 Most Speed Stunts - better front cover, media
4 Most Super Sports - front cover
4 Quattro Fighters - better front cover, back cover, inside
4 ZZAP! Sizzlers - front cover, media, manual cover
5 Computer Hits - media, manual cover
10 Computer Hits - better front & back covers
10 Mega Games Volume One - front cover, back cover
Brand new to the archive:
4 Game Pack No.1 - info, front cover, media, review
4 Game Pack No.3 - info, front cover, back cover
4 Most Air Power - info, front cover, media
4 Most Sport - info, front cover, back cover, media, inside, review
6 Computer Hits - info, front cover, back cover, media, manual cover
6 Pak - info, front cover, back cover, disk labels, advert, review
6 Pak Vol.2 - info, front cover, back cover, media, review
6 Pak Vol.3 - info, front cover, back cover, media, manual cover, review
10 Computer Hits 3 - info, front cover, back cover, media, inside, manual cover, review
10 Computer Hits 4 - info, front cover, back cover, media, review
10 Computer Hits Volume 5 - info, front cover, back cover, media, manual cover, advert
10 Great Games - info, review
10 Great Games II - info, front cover, back cover, media, manual
10 Great Games 3 - info, front cover
10 Mega Hits - info, front cover, back cover
20 Chart Busters - info, front cover, back cover, media
30 Red Hot Hits - info, front cover, back cover
50 Great Games - front cover, back cover
We've also started adding links from each compilation page to Lemon64 and C64Endings so you can find out more about each game. Thanks to TNT and Vinny Mainolfi for allowing us to do this.
And another new feature: if compilations are part of a series, then they will have a 'related' section in their info which links to other compilations in the series.